Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Location Shots

- St Benedict's
This shot establishes our opening scene where Jake walks out from the shop and gets his drum sticks taken by Jasper. We used the location of SoundClash as it utilises popular culture ie: the youth or the bands music, our target audience and an ametuer/independent music store. This store is very popular in Norwich and is associated with good music. I also like the clashing of the colours, which always relates to the name Sound 'Clash'. This also is signifitant as unsigned bands sell their gig tickets and ep's here, which is useful either in our advertisement or evaluation of the music video.

This shot is where Jasper and Jake are chasing after each other around the city towards the beginning of the video. It creates a sense of claustrophobia when they is a low shot of their feet skating down the narrow steps. Its creates suspense in the video as its anticipating to watch stunts and fast movement, i think it motivates people to get up and do something .i.e. skate. The types of surrounding shops and companies in the area are small and independent for example Soho Hip and Bang! This emphasises Norwich's independent audiences in relation to the unsigned band. The small streets like Pottergate also emphasise the bands roots, the Britishness they represent, this street is home to a local Chip Chop which is sterotypically britisht, a Church, and small independent stores.

-The Forum
This is where we have shot another fast skate scene with Jake and Jasper travelling. The Forum is a very important aspect of Norwich's music and film scene and is also a very scenic place to shoot. You can find almost any stereotyped persona here and it is renowned for its 'emo' and 'ska' scene. The perssona's are variated, the forum is a very academic place and has strong links with music, especially BBC Voices music and film festival. The Forum attracts all ages, but the youthful population often locate outside giving them a place to meet people, a place to skateboard, a place to have coffee, or evenstudy. The Forum in the youthful populations perspective is primarily known for 'Emo's as many of these sterotypical 'groups' hang around here. However it's also a safe familar place to Norwich where everyone is excepted and seems to choose to go there a lot. We thought this would be affective as our audience would immediately no where the location is and it's importance. The open smooth pavement and high steps are also very effective for skateboarders and are very good to shoot on. We hope this location will improve the strength of how we are presenting genre, aswwell as SoundClash as they promote a independent ideolgie. This ideolgy represents unsigned bands in local areas, where the BBC and SoundClash promote them, and the Forum also creates a slight message of Rebellion. This is produced as the 'yobbish' type people who are found at the Forum, either skateboard or smoke and almost create a statement rebelling in a public place where is is frown upon. This is emphasised as there is a signs on the wall saying 'No Skateboadring' creating humour as no one abides this rule. In the video whilst we were shooting we also got warned to stop by a the Forum Security, as we were shooting and skateboarding. This is the prime location that appeals to our Ska audience of mainly males aged 14-19. It also provokes a British representation because of the traditional Church, and is especially known for the BBC. The BBC (Britsh Broadcasting Coperation) is the largest broadcasting coperation in the world and has been associated with many mainstream musicans such as The Beatles and produces many independent musical based projects such as the BBC Symphony Orchestra. This will be effective in our music video and is utilises genre, Norwich, and youth which are three very important aspects of our production.

-Forum 2
Here is a shot again showing another perspective of the high sloped stairs which are good for professional skateboard tricks.

-Forum 3
This location is very important as on the wall there is a sign saying 'No Skateboarding' which addes the rebellion and youth to the video. These small steps were very useful for getting both high and low angles or giving the camera to the skaters themselves as there wern't a major hazard.

-Anglia Square
This location is good for its unglamorous, and desolate atmosphere. This location is used several times in our video, the first is where I get out of the car, the second for filming in fast forward, and 4th where most of the skateboarding and stunts happen. Its is also quite effective in the video as we shoot for hours on end, when we fast forwarded the capture the sun and shadows moved rapidly in a matter of seconds. This was very significant as it could be used in our video to show that time has changed or moved on. Anglia Square itself is full or high dingy building which adds to the sense of claustrophobia.

We watched the music video of Africa Shox- Leftfield and wanted an urban atmosphere in the mise en scene with the dystopic presence. The band's music is very upbeat and energetic but we wanted an overpowering of enclosed buildings, which were dingy and run down. I found this still from the music video and thought it's presence was powerful and effective almost bringing the location alive. This is a shot we want to include in our video, particulary in Anglia Square as it's unglamouros buildings create this threatening effect.

-Anglia Square 2
This location of the vast noir lit car park adds to the sense of entrapment and climax, as well as its unglamorous aspects. As Anglia Square is renowned for its skateboarders and open smooth pavements it is usually used for parquet and sports like skateboarding and roller skating. It shows Norwich's urban area which emphasises the 'urban' aspect of our video in and around Norwich's CBD and the Ska genre. As our skateboarders are representing crime and rebellious activity it is effective. There is also another 'No Skateboarding' sign here which implies this.

-St Benedict's 2
In the narrative we are brought back again to St Benedict's where we start and end our video. This is significant as it will be familiar to Norwich audiences. The close narrow ally way space creates claustrophobia and entrapment which relates to the climax or the fast paced chase. I think this will be an effective shot in our video, as when Martha runs up the stairs she is seen from a low angle created a lower status or power, as she is the next person to get the drum sticks taken. However this location is quite different to the rest as it is old and scenic but shows Norwich’s historical culture and scenary which was important to us. I also really like how when we shot this scene the street lamps were the only source of light we had.

-The Art Centre
This location is our last in the narrative and leads to the closure of the story. Its is where Daniel and Jake meet, Jake retrieving his drum sticks and them both walking into the gig. The Art Centre is very significant to this video as it promotes independent music and unsigned bands so we chose this especially. 'Smaller Than You' often play here and have been features in some of their magazines, this gives smaller bands and artists the opportunity to show their talent and support mainstream acts that feature there.